Honors and Awards
H10. 2024 POSTECHIAN Award (education): Young Myoung Ko, December 2024
H9. Outstanding Paper Award: Jongwon Kim, Eunbi Park, and Young Myoung Ko, "A probabilistic fish growth model for a smart aquaculture system," ICONI 2022, December 2022
H8. Featured article in the ISE Magazine: Young Myoung Ko, "To explore, or not to explore: That is the question in running digital twins," August 2022
H7. Winner (1st place): Yongkyu Cho: Poster Contest for IME Graduate Students, The Department of Industrial and Management Engineering at POSTECH, January 2017
H6. Honorable mention: Yongkyu Cho, Wanwook Ki, and Jihye Park: Student Paper Contest for Advancement of Library, The National Library of Korea, October 2013
H5. Honorable mention: Yongkyu Cho and Wanwook Ki: Campus Patent Strategy Universiade, Korea Invention Promotion Association, October 2013
H4. Featured article in the Industrial Engineer: Young Myoung Ko, "Saving energy in data centers," September 2013
H3. Winner (1st place): Young Myoung Ko: Doctoral Dissertation Award for Operations Research in Telecommunications, INFORMS Technical Section on Telecommunications, March 2012
H2. Awardee: Young Myoung Ko: Distinguished Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Doctoral Research, Texas A&M University, March 2011
H1. Featured article in the Industrial Engineer: Young Myoung Ko , "How to deliver video contents efficiently," November 2010