2024/12/03 Prof. Ko received the 2024 POSTECHIAN Award in education.
2024/09/06 Prof. Ko's collaboration work with Prof. Eunshin Byon, Jashin Park (U. of Michigan), and Prof. Sara Shashaani (NCSU) entitled " Strata Design for Variance Reduction in Stochastic Simulation" was accepted for publication in Technometrics.
2024/08/27 Prof. Ko and Jongwon Kim's collaboration work with Prof. Hyeseon Lee entitled "Constrained Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) using Hyperparameter Optimization," was accepted for publication in Knowledge-based Systems.
2024/08/08 Prof. Ko's collaboration work with Prof. Jamol Pender (Cornell Univ.) and Prof. Jin Xu (Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology) entitled "The Number of Overlapping Customers in Erlang-A Queues: An Asymptotic Approach," was accepted for publication in Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences.
2024/03/22 Prof. Ko was named a Senior Member of INFORMS (more information available here).
2024/03/01 Prof. Ko was promoted to a full professor with tenure.
2024/02/12 Seung Min Baik, Phuc Tran Hong Nguyen, Dong Hyun Lee, and Eunbi Park have successfully completed their degrees and graduated. Congratulations to all!
2023/11/17 Prof. Ko and Jaehyoung Ju's collaboration work with Prof. Eunshin Byon (U. of Michigan) and Euihwan Lee (Hyundai Motor Company) entitled "Condition-based Selective Maintenance Optimization for Large-scale Systems Consisting of Many Homogeneous Units," was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Reliability.
2023/08/01 Prof. Ko and Seung Min Baik's collaboration work with Prof. Cho (Kangnam Univ.) entitled "Reliability Improvement of Circular k-out-of-n: G Balanced Systems through Center of Gravity" was accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
2023/07/27 Jongwon Kim, Eunbi Park, and Prof. Ko's work entitled "Probabilistic Modeling of Fish Growth in Smart Aquaculture Systems" was accepted for publication in KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems.
2023/02/08 Seung Min Baik and Prof. Ko's work entitled "QoS-aware energy-efficient workload routing and server speed control policy in data centers: a robust queueing theoretic approach" was accepted for publication in IISE Transactions.
2022/12/12 Jongwon Kim, Eunbi Park, and Prof. Ko received "Outstanding Paper Award" for their paper entitled "A probabilistic fish growth model for a smart aquaculture system" at the ICONI 2022 conference.
2022/08/10 Prof. Ko's research paper with Prof. Eunshin Byon (U of Mich) entitled "Optimal budget allocation for stochastic simulation with importance sampling: exploration vs. replication" was published in IISE Transactions and was featured in the August issue of the Industrial and Systems Engineer (ISE) Magazine. (*download)
2022/07/04 Prof. Ko's collaboration work with Prof. Hayong Shin (KAIST) and Stephane Barde (Samsung Electronics) entitled "General EM Algorithm for Fitting Non-Monotone Hazard Functions from Truncated and Censored Observations" was accepted for publication in Operations Research Letters.
2022/04/04 Prof. Ko's collaboration work with Prof. Cho (Kangnam Univ.) entitled "Power- and QoS-Aware Job Assignment with Dynamic Speed Scaling for Cloud Data Center Computing" was accepted for publication in IEEE Access.
2022/03/17 Prof. Cho (Kangnam Univ., alumni) was appointed a council member of INFORMS Telecommunications & Network Analytics section from 2022 to 2026.
2021/09/01 Our lab was awarded the Mid-Career Researcher Program entitled "Distributionally Robust Simulation Models Considering Input Uncertainty" from September 2021 through February 2024.
2021/08/15 Dr. Jeong and Prof. Ko's collaboration work with Prof. Chiwoo Park (Florida State Univ.) entitled "Missing Data Imputation using Mixture Factor Analysis for Building Electric Load Data" was accepted for publication in Applied Energy.
2021/06/29 Prof. Ko's collaboration work with Prof. Eunshin Byon (U of Mich) entitled "Optimal budget allocation for stochastic simulation with importance sampling: exploration vs. replication" was accepted for publication in IISE Transactions.
2021/06/01 Our lab was awarded the Basic Research Laboratory grant and is participating in Fundamental research laboratory for optimal operations of next-generation distribution networks using uncertainty quantification of natural and artificial risks from June 2021 through February 2024 (PI: Prof. Young-Jin Kim).
2021/05/21 Prof Ko's collaboration work with Shuoran Li (U of Pitt) and Prof. Eunshin Byon (U of Mich) entitled "Nonparametric Importance Sampling for Wind Turbine Analysis with Stochastic Computer Models" was accepted for publication in Annals of Applied Statistics.
2021/03/02 Dr. Cho was appointed assistant professor of industrial data science at Kangnam University.
2024/12/03 고영명 교수, 2024학년도 자랑스런 포스테키안상(교육부문)을 수상함
2024/09/06 고영명 교수, 미시건대 변은신 교수, 박재신 박사과정, NCSU Sara Shashaani 교수와 공동연구한 " Strata Design for Variance Reduction in Stochastic Simulation" 논문이 QSR 분야 최고 학술지인 Technometrics 저널(Q1, IF 2.3, 13.4%)에 게재 승인됨.
2024/08/27 고영명 교수, 김종원 박사과정, 이혜선 교수가 공동연구한 "Constrained Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) using Hyperparameter Optimization," 논문이 Knowledge-based Systems 저널(Q1, IF 7.2, 13.5%)에 게재 승인됨
2024/08/08 고영명 교수, 코넬대 Jamol Pender 교수, 화중과기대 Jin Xu 교수와 공동연구한 "The Number of Overlapping Customers in Erlang-A Queues: An Asymptotic Approach" 논문이 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 저널에 게재 승인됨
2024/03/22 고영명 교수, 미국 최대의 경영과학회인 INFORMS의 Senior Member로 선정됨(자세한 정보는 INFORMS web site 참조)
2024/03/01 고영명 교수, 정교수(정년보장)로 승진함
2024/02/02 백승민 박사과정, Phuc Tran Hong Nguyen 석사과정, 이동현 석사과정, 박은비 석사과정 학생들이 성공적으로 학위를 마치고 졸업함
2023/11/17 고영명 교수, 주재형 박사과정, 우리 연구실 졸업생 이의환 연구원, 미시건 대학교 변은신 교수와 공동 연구한 "Condition-based Selective Maintenance Optimization for Large-scale Systems Consisting of Many Homogeneous Units" 논문이 신뢰성 분야 최고 저널 중 하나인 IEEE Transactions on Reliability 저널에 게재 승인됨
2023/08/01 고영명 교수, 백승민 박사과정, 우리 연구실 졸업생 강남대 조용규 교수와 공동 연구한 "Reliability Improvement of Circular k-out-of-n: G Balanced Systems through Center of Gravity" 논문이 IEEE Access 저널에 게재 승인됨
2023/07/27 김종원 박사과정, 박은비 석사과정, 고영명 교수가 연구한 "Probabilistic Modeling of Fish Growth in Smart Aquaculture Systems" 논문이 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 저널에 게재 승인됨
2023/02/08 백승민 박사과정, 고영명 교수가 연구한 "QoS-aware energy-efficient workload routing and server speed control policy in data centers: a robust queueing theoretic approach" 논문이 산업공학 분야 최고 저널 중 하나인 IISE Transactions 저널에 게재 승인됨
2022/12/12 김종원 박사과정, 박은비 석사과정, 고영명 교수는 "A probabilistic fish growth model for a smart aquaculture system" 논문으로 ICONI 2022 학회에서 Outstanding Paper Award 를 수상함
2022/08/10 고영명 교수, 미시건대 변은신 교수와 공동 연구한 논문 "Optimal budget allocation for stochastic simulation with importance sampling: exploration vs. replication" 이 IISE Transactions 저널에 출판되었으며, 미국 ISE Magazine 8월 호에 연구 특집 기사로 소개됨 (*download)
2022/07/04 고영명 교수, KAIST 신하용 교수, 삼성전자 스테판 박사와 공동 연구한 "General EM Algorithm for Fitting Non-Monotone Hazard Functions from Truncated and Censored Observations" 논문이 경영과학 분야 우수 저널인 Operations Research Letters에 게재 승인됨
2022/04/04 고영명 교수, 우리 연구실 졸업생 강남대 조용규 교수와 공동 연구한 "Power- and QoS-Aware Job Assignment with Dynamic Speed Scaling for Cloud Data Center Computing" 논문이 IEEE Access 저널에 게재 승인됨
2022/03/17 우리 연구실 졸업생 강남대 조용규 교수가 산업공학, 경영과학 분야의 세계 최대 학회인 INFORMS내의 Telecommunications & Network Analytics section에서 자문위원(council member)로 임명되어 2022년부터 2026년까지 활동함.
2021/09/01 우리 연구실은 "입력 불확실성을 반영한 분포적 강건 시뮬레이션 모델 개발"을 주제로 2021년 하반기 중견연구 과제에 선정되어 2021년 9월부터 2024년 2월까지 연구를 진행함
2021/08/15 정동연 박사, 고영명 교수, 플로리다 주립대 박치우 교수와 공동 연구한 "Missing Data Imputation using Mixture Factor Analysis for Building Electric Load Data" 논문이 에너지 분야 최상위 저널인 Applied Energy 저널(IF 9.746, 10% ENERGY & FUELS, 5% ENGINEERING CHEMICAL) 에 게재 승인됨
2021/06/29 고영명 교수, 미시건대학 변은신 교수와 공동 연구한 "Optimal budget allocation for stochastic simulation with importance sampling: exploration vs. replication" 논문이 산업공학 분야 최고 저널 중 하나인 IISE Transactions 저널에 게재 승인됨
2021/06/01 우리 연구실은 2021년 기초연구실지원 사업에 선정되어 "자연적, 인위적 위험의 불확실성 정량화 기반 차세대 배전 계통 최적 운영 연구실"에 2021년 6월부터 2024년 2월까지 참여함(PI: 김영진 교수)
2021/05/21 고영명 교수, 미시건대학 변은신 교수, 피츠버그 대학 Shuoran Li 와 공동 연구한 "Nonparametric Importance Sampling for Wind Turbine Analysis with Stochastic Computer Models" 논문이 응용통계 분야 최고 저널 중 하나인 Annals of Applied Statistics 저널에 게재 승인됨
2021/03/02 조용규 박사, 강남대학교 산업데이터사이언스 학과 조교수 부임
* This “Research” section is provided for informational purposes only with permission of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers from the August 2022 issue of ISE magazine, Copyright©2022. All rights reserved.