Working Papers

W11. Kim, J., Baik, S. M. and Ko, Y. M.* ( 2024), "Online surface temperature monitoring system for semiconductor automated test equipment using local Gaussian process," working paper

W10. Tran-Vo, T. H., Hong, S.*. and Ko, Y. M. ( 2024), "The benefits of a dual-lane zone picking system with buffer-free conveyor lanes for warehouses with space limitations," submitted

W9. Barde, S., Ko, Y. M. and Shin, H.* (2024), "Overcoming the curse of dimension of the optimal group maintenance policy of a heterogeneous multi-component series system," submitted

W8. Barde, S. and Ko, Y. M.* (2024), "Structural analysis on non-monotone control-limit condition based maintenance policy of k-out-of-n systems," submitted

W7. Pender, J.*, Ko, Y. M. and Xu, J. (2023), "The Number of Overlapping Customers in Erlang-A Queues: An Asymptotic Approach," submitted (preprint available at arXiv)

W6. Jeong, D., Park, C. and Ko. Y. M.* (2023), "Short-term electric load forecasting via state-space approach with a mixture of long-lag vector autoregressive models," working paper (preprint available at SSRN)

W5. Xu, J., Ko, Y. M*., Kong, M. and Pender, J. (2022), " Queueing Management for Reducing the Overlaps of Customers in Service Systems,"  submitted (preprint available at SSRN)

W4. Ko, Y. M. and Xu, J.* (2023), "Overlap approximation schemes in time-varying many-server queues," submitted (preprint available at arXiv)

W3. Baik, S. M., Byon, E. and Ko. Y. M.* (2023), "Distributionally Robust Stratified Sampling for Stochastic Simulations With Multiple Uncertain Input Models," working paper (preprint available at arXiv)

W2. Kim, J, Lee, H*. and Ko, Y. M.* (2022), "Constrained Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) using Hyperparameter Optimization," working paper

W1. Jung, I., Kim, J. H., Kang, S.-H. and Ko, Y. M.* (2017), "A Markov Chain Analysis for State Transitions of Hypertension Using Medical Checkup Data," working paper

* : Corresponding author

Authors in bold are our lab members.